A brief biography

Born in 1948, Claire de la Bassetière lives and works in London since 2002.


  • Battersea Contemporary Art Fair, May 13-15, 2005
  • Sculptastic Gallery Group Exhibition, May - June 2005
  • Leading clay workshops for companies and associations
  • Exhibition at the Gallery Janus Avivson in Paris, Summer Group Show, 21 June to 28 July 2001


  • Painting workshops with Arno Stern
  • Clay sculpture workshops with Brigitte Segovia, rue de Vintimille, Paris 9eme
  • African dance, yoga, contemporary dance, body placement

Other activities

  • Trilingual personal assistant (French, English, Spanish)
  • Espace Europe Association: worked to devise and plan the creation of an "Espace Europe" place in Paris to make it easy for people to integrate the European idea through training, information, meetings and exchanges
  • Synercadres Association: assistance with professional placement