These are rather facetious forms Claire shapes as she pleases
Firmly anchored to the ground, burst to the sky
Mischievous in their subtle flourish
Bonds and ties interlaced,
Hollows and solids craftily carved.
Twisted bodies, reaching for the light
In a sometimes painful
Sometimes cheerful elasticity.
Sienna colours
That is hers
These earthly faces are truly hers.
Mocking games with clay
To make it hers
Attended by objects to serve it
Colourfull knots and over-refined head-gear.
Eyes always skyward
Witty and pensive
Whilst the plinth, firmly on its feet.
Ensures sculpture's earthly equilibrium.
Prehistoric horses running through space
Transient as the time of a sculpture
Heads of tails
Look carefully
Listen attentively
To the soft murmur of the terracotta
Fruit of such personal labour
It awakens us.